2024 TAX FORMS – 1099G: Your federal tax forms (1099G) for the 2024 tax year is now available online as of 1/27/2024. You can view your 1099G on your dashboard when logging into the Unemployment System. If you selected communication by mail, you will receive a paper 1099G arriving by traditional mail. Your 1099G is the total amount of Unemployment Benefits paid to you during calendar year 2024 if it is at least $10.
Visit your Local NHWORKS Jobs Center to Connect with Hiring Employers
All Local NHWORKS Jobs Centers are open 8:00AM – 4:30PM Monday – Friday to assist all members of the public in connecting with hiring employers, learning about available training programs as well as assisting with unemployment claims. See the full list of Local NHWORKS Jobs Centers for the location nearest you.
Virtual Connections with Hiring Employers
Unable to visit your Local NHWORKS Jobs Center, search for job opportunities online by going to the Job Match System. Quick search for jobs by region or occupation by using the NHJOBS Portal. Attend an upcoming Virtual Job Fair.
Filing for Unemployment Benefits - Work Search Requirements - Making Connections with Hiring Employers
New Wage Reporting requirements
Starting Q4/2024 filing due 1/31/2025 – In addition to worker’s SS#, Last Name and gross wages for the quarter, all wage reporting must include each worker’s Full First Name. The change is to ensure NH employer reporting is in compliance with Federal requirements.
The Quarterly Tax & Wage Report has been revised to accommodate the change. See revised form at https://www.nhes.nh.gov/forms/documents/quarterly-tax-wage-report.pdf
Electronic Wage Reporting (formerly known as Magnetic Media Reporting) has been adjusted to accommodate the additional characters. See brochure for more details at https://www.nhes.nh.gov/forms/documents/nhes-0047.pdf. Employers submitting wage details using the Federal format will not incur a change to the filing process.
If questions Contact us at EmployerTax@NHES.nh.gov or at 603-228-4042 option 1 for Contributions and option 1 again for Employer Tax.
Annual Tax Rate Determination Letters
for the tax period 7/1/2024 (Q3/2024) through 6/30/2025 (Q2/2025) mailed
August 28, 2024 to the address on file for merit rated employers.
Effective 2025-Q1
Tax Rate Reductions for Positive Rated Employers – Pursuant to New Hampshire state law (RSA 282-A:82) the Trust Fund will maintain a balance of at least $350 million for the entire quarter. As a result, the Trust Fund Reduction remains at 1.0% reduction to the tax rates of positive rated employers (Schedule I) on taxable wages paid during the 1st quarter of 2025.
Employers can view their current and prior quarter tax rates on our
WEBTAX System (www2.nhes.nh.gov/webtax) Recent enhancements allow up to 10,500 wage entries on a quarterly submission.
Tax Rate Chart (https://www.nhes.nh.gov/services/employers/tax-rate-chart.htm)
Tax Rates displayed on the Webtax System reflect the tax rate reductions in effect for positive rated employers as well as the inverse minimum rate added to the rates of negative rated employers.
Security Alert
NHES continues to receive information regarding a number of nationwide online scams targeting individuals seeking to file unemployment insurance claims. These sites request personal information and charge a fee to help customers complete their Unemployment Insurance claims, typically implying that they are directly connected with a state’s official website.
The State of New Hampshire processes unemployment claims for free, so customers should be extremely wary of any site that charges a fee for this service.
New Hampshire Employment Security will also never ask for your credit card information. If asked to supply your credit card information or if you should receive a pop-up message seeking your credit card information while on the agency’s website you should not provide any information and immediately close down the application you are using. You should then contact an appropriate IT professional to review the security of the computer system you are using and seek help specifically dealing with malware/virus repair.
If you are unable to file your claim or need assistance, please contact the NH Unemployment Assistance Hotline at 603-271-7700.
Adobe Acrobat Reader format. You can download a free reader from Adobe.
Microsoft Excel format. You can download a free reader from Microsoft.
Translation Resources and Disclaimer
New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES)
45 South Fruit Street | Concord NH 03301 | 603-224-3311 | 1-800-852-3400
TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964