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Unemployment Insurance Claims Data

Number of Initial Claims filed by New Hampshire Residents
An Initial Claim is any notice of unemployment requesting a determination of entitlement to, and eligibility for, compensation; or beginning a second or subsequent period of eligibility within a benefit year or period of eligibility.
Initial Claims Excel file | pdf file January 1990 through December 2024 | Chart: Initial Claims pdf file


Number of Continued Weeks of Unemployment Benefits Claimed by New Hampshire Residents
Continued Weeks Claimed are the total number of weeks of unemployment benefits claimed each month, whether or not those weeks were paid. It is not the number of New Hampshire claimants, since a claimant can file for multiple weeks of unemployment benefits in a given month.
Continued Weeks Claimed Excel file | pdf file January 1990 through December 2024 | Chart: Continued Weeks Claimed pdf file


Average Payment for a Week of Unemployment
The average weekly benefit amount paid to New Hampshire claimants.
Average Payment for a Week of Total Unemployment Excel file | pdf file January 1997 through December 2024


UI historical Pub

New Hampshire Unemployment Insurance Historical Data, 1977-2018

An analysis that contains statistical data, charts, and some narrative explanations of the UI program to aid viewers' observation and analysis of how the data has fluctuated through various recession and expansion periods in New Hampshire's economy.

January 2020 pdf file




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New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES)
45 South Fruit Street  |  Concord NH 03301  |  603-224-3311  |  1-800-852-3400
TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964