What Is the Pathway To Work Initiative?
The Pathway To Work Initiative is a voluntary program to assist unemployed claimants start their own businesses. Allows eligible unemployed claimants to continue to receive their unemployment benefits while working full time to start businesses in New Hampshire. Provides financial support while they access the resources, information, and training they need to get their businesses off the ground.
Who Is Eligible?
All New Hampshire residents who are:
- unemployed and
- collecting NH unemployment compensation benefits and
- identified as likely to exhaust regular unemployment benefits before finding new work and
- have at least 18 weeks of unemployment insurance benefits available and
- willing to work full time to start businesses in New Hampshire
How Do I Collect My Benefits?
- have filed an application for unemployment benefits and have been found payable for benefits
- have filed an Application for the Pathway To Work Program and received a determination allowing benefits while participating in the program
- have filed a timely weekly claim for benefits, providing all the required information on the form
- be working with an Employment Service Representative
- be working full time at starting a business, including training and activities, such as business counseling, and technical assistance, which are identified in your Pathway To Work Plan
- are not required to meet the State’s requirements for search for work
- are not required to meet the state’s requirements for refusal to accept work
- are not required to meet the state’s requirements for disqualifying income with respect to income earned from self-employment
- are allowed to work part time as long as does not interfere with the requirement to work full time at starting a business. Must report all gross earnings.
What If I Decide I Don’t Want To Continue With Starting A Business?
You must inform your Employment Services Representative immediately. No issue will be created on your claim. This is a voluntary program. You will be required to resume work search and meet all eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits.
How Do I Get Started?
- Have a business idea
- Contact the Local NH Works Office nearest you to schedule and attend a mandatory orientation.
- Attend a one-on-one meeting with an Employment Services Representative to determine the steps required to successfully start a business in New Hampshire
- Complete an Application

Supportive Services
Forms and Publications