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New Hampshire Employment Security - an official New Hampshire Government web site
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ELMI Home > Data & Statistics >

Labor Force and Unemployment

LAUS Data Based on New Methodology (5th Generation Model) and Labor Market Areas (based on Census 2010 and American Community Survey data).

  • Local Area Unemployment Statistics, August 2024 (updated 09/26/24)
    Excel file | Adobe Acrobat file

Benchmarked LAUS Data

  • 2023 (Benchmarked March 2024)
    Excel file | Adobe Acrobat file
  • 2022 (Benchmarked March 2024)
    Excel file | Adobe Acrobat file


  • All Areas 2010-2023 Microsoft Excel Symbol (Benchmarked March 2024)
  • All Areas 1990-2009 Microsoft Excel Symbol (Benchmarked March 2021)




Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol Adobe Acrobat Reader format. You can download a free reader from Adobe.

Microsoft Excel Symbol Microsoft Excel format. You can download a free reader from Microsoft.

Translation Resources and Disclaimer

New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES)
45 South Fruit Street  |  Concord NH 03301  |  603-224-3311  |  1-800-852-3400
TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964