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Real-Time LMI / Online Job Ad Analysis

Online Job Ads Summary New Hampshire Online Job Ads Summary

This quarterly summary lists job titles found in the largest number of online job postings, organized by major occupational group. Healthcare practitioners and technical occupations, sales and related occupations, and office and administrative support occupations were the occupational groups with the largest number of New Hampshire job ads posted online during this period.

Job Ads Summary for April/May/June 2024 Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol (July 2024)

therapist Paper cover

Therapist Occupations in New Hampshire
In 2015, there were more than 5,150 New Hampshire workers in therapy-related occupations. This analysis explores therapist specialties, educational avenues in New Hampshire, and compares the supply pipeline to online job postings.

Therapist Occupations in New Hampshire Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol (April 2017)

Staffing Agency Online Job Postings in New Hampshire, September and October 2015 Staffing Agency Job Ads in New Hampshire, September and October 2015

Staffing agencies posted about 20 percent of all New Hampshire online job ads in September and October 2015. Why might an employer use a staffing agency to hire? Are employers looking for temporary workers or are staffing agencies simply more efficient? This study explores the occupations, employers, educational requirements, and more in online job ads posted by staffing agencies.

Staffing Agency Job Ads in New Hampshire Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol (January 2016)

Truckers: Keep Goods Moving

Truckers: Keep Goods Moving
Truck drivers are a vital link in moving goods across the country. There were about 1,100 online job postings in New Hampshire for various truck drivers during April and May of 2015. This analysis of online job ads for truck drivers includes a review of specific education, experience, and skills in the ads, along with the employers posting the largest number of ads. A brief glossary of terms commonly found in online ads for truck drivers is included.

Truckers: Keep Goods Moving Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol (July 2015)

Nursing Job Postings in New Hampshire Nursing Job Postings in New Hampshire

New Hampshire had over 900 online job postings for nursing positions during the 60-day period from January through February 2015. All occupations that included 'nurse' in the job title were examined. More than 60 percent of those postings were for registered nurses. Top nursing specialty titles, education, and certification were also evaluated, as well as employers with the most job postings.

Nursing Job Postings in New Hampshire Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol (June 2015)

Real-Time Information Technology

New Hampshire Computer and Information Technology Job Postings
New Hampshire had almost 1,000 online job postings in computer and information technology for the 60-day period from November 7, 2014 through January 5, 2015. The distribution of computer and information technology job postings varied only slightly between New Hampshire and the nation, indicating that business needs in the state are not significantly different than those nationwide. Education, certifications specified, and computer language preferences were evaluated by job title, as well as by employers.

New Hampshire Computer and Information Technology Job Postings Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol
(May 2015)

Exploring Green in Real Time

Exploring Green in Real-Time: A New Hampshire Perspective
This report provides a summary of the work completed by New Hampshire under the Labor Market Information Improvement Grant. The report details work in understanding the "green" economy, including New Hampshire's definition, use of real-time data, the green economy in New Hampshire, green industry papers, and a "what we learned" section.

Exploring Green in Real-Time Adobe Acrobat Reader Symbol (April 2012)


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New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES)
45 South Fruit Street  |  Concord NH 03301  |  603-224-3311  |  1-800-852-3400
TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964