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Career Exploration by Holland Interest Profile

Holland Interest Code HexagonWouldn’t it be great to pursue a career that is interesting? Job seekers hope to find work environments that are compatible with their personality and interests. Vocational psychologist John L. Holland developed a theory that people can be described by one or more of six different “work personality” types which are: Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Artistic (A), Social (S), Enterprising (E) or Conventional (C).

Holland interest codes provide a system for matching personality types to occupations. An assessment can help people self-identify with at least two or three of the six different occupational-interest types. A person may have one dominant interest type, or two or three that are equally strong. In fact, interest types which lie in close proximity to one another on the Holland hexagon tend to be more similar and, therefore, those two-letter combinations (e.g., RC, CE) are more common.

After completing one or both of the self-assessment exercises provided below, you will learn your Holland interest profile. Then combine the first letters of your primary and secondary types, and click on the icon in the grid that corresponds to your two-letter interest combination. This will bring you to a list of occupations associated with your interest profile. Employment outlook and wages within New Hampshire for those occupations are also shown.


  Primary Holland Type
Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional


Realistic There are no lists that only represent "Investigative" Investigative/Realistic Artisic/Realistic Social/Realistic There are no lists that only represent "Investigative" Conventional/Realistic
Investigative Realistic/Investigative There are no lists that only represent "Investigative" There are no lists that only represent "Investigative" Social/Investigative There are no lists that only represent "Investigative" Conventional/Investigative
Artistic Realistic/Artistic There are no lists that only represent "Investigative" There are no lists that only represent "Artistic" Social/Artistic Enterprising/Artistic There are no lists that only represent "Investigative"
Social Realistic/Social Investigative/Social Artistic/Social There are no lists that only represent "Social" Enterprising/Social Conventional/Social
Enterprising There are no lists that only represent "Investigative" There are no lists that only represent "Investigative" Artistic/Enterprising Social/Enterprising There are no lists that only represent "Enterprising" Conventional/Enterprising
Conventional Realistic/Conventional Investigative/Conventional There are no lists that only represent "Investigative" Social/Conventional Enterprising/Conventional There are no lists that only represent "Conventional"

Empty grid boxes indicate that there were little to no occupations with that interest combination.


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New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES)
45 South Fruit Street  |  Concord NH 03301  |  603-224-3311  |  1-800-852-3400
TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964