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New Hampshire Affirmative Action
The Registered Job Seekers statistical tables include occupational data on active applicants by gender, age, and minority status. The Population Statistics tables include data from the U.S. Census on population, labor force, and employment status by gender and minority status. These data are designed to be used in preparing affirmative action programs.

Business Employment Dynamics (BED)
The Economic and Labor Market Information Bureau publishes Business Employment Dynamics (BED) statistics for New Hampshire, with the cooperation of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). These statistics are released quarterly. They contain information on quarterly gross job gains and gross job losses. Gross job gains and gross job losses reveal aspects of business dynamics that underlie the net employment changes that are reported in monthly nonfarm estimates and in quarterly covered employment and wages (QCEW) data. New data are available nine months after the completion of each quarter.

Commuting Patterns
These fact sheets on commuting patterns are based on Journey to Work data, a compilation of data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates describing the flow of workers traveling from home to work. Fact sheets are available for multiple geographic areas within New Hampshire, such as statewide and counties.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)
The Consumer Price Index is a price index constructed monthly by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that provides a statistical measure of the average change in prices of a fixed market basket of goods and services for the Northeast Region. The CPI is frequently called a cost-of-living index; however, it is not a complete cost-of-living measure.

Current Employment Statistics (CES)
Current Employment Statistics (CES) are monthly estimates of employment, hours, and earnings for persons on nonfarm payrolls based on a sample survey of employing establishments. CES estimates are also known as “nonfarm” because farming employment is excluded from the estimates. New Hampshire data, combined with that of other states, is used to measure national economic trends. Government and financial institutions, as well as the media, use CES estimates in their analysis of the economy.

CES estimates include the current number of jobs in nonfarm employment as well as estimates of average weekly hours, average weekly earnings, and average hourly earnings. Estimates are produced for the state and for the larger metropolitan areas in New Hampshire.

The data produced by the CES program are published monthly in New Hampshire Economic Conditions; a detailed monthly analysis of industry employment data is also available.

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)
As part of the Unemployment Insurance compensation system, New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES) collects quarterly data on the number of people employed and total wages paid from those employers subject to the Unemployment Insurance law. These data are called the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) but are often referred to as “covered employment,” as the data represent workers who are covered by unemployment insurance. Nationwide, the QCEW data include about 97 percent of all nonfarm employment and nearly all (99.7 percent) wage and salary civilian employment. QCEW data from all states combined are used to identify regional and national economic trends, and conduct performance analysis. As an example, the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the U.S. Department of Commerce uses QCEW data as a major component in estimating total wage and salary for the National Income and Product Accounts, Gross Domestic Product, and Personal Income and Outlays.

QCEW data are compiled by geographic location, industry (NAICS), and ownership (public vs. private). This facilitates tracking employment history and economic growth by location and industry — important information in economic development efforts. Data are published approximately two quarters, or six months, after the end of the reference quarter. This lag is due to quarterly reporting and data processing time.

Additional data compilations produced from this program’s data include:

  • High Tech Employment and Wages
    The latest definition of high tech employment from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), released in 2005, is based on the concentration of science, engineering, and technician occupations in an industry.
  • Firms by Size
    Firms by size data count the number of employing entities in New Hampshire by the number of employees in March of each year. The data tables include employment, wages paid, and average weekly wages for the state, its ten counties, and four largest cities.

Employment Projections by Industry and Occupation
ELMIB prepares both long-term and short-term projections of employment for 110 industries and over 700 occupations. Projected growth rates and employment change for industries and occupations are available. Occupational data include projected average annual new job growth and replacement openings, along with requirements for entry-level education, work experience, and on-the-job training required to gain competence in the occupation.

Long-term projections are released every two years and cover a ten-year time frame. These projections are driven by structural changes in the economy, along with changes in population and demographics. Long-term projections take into account jobs created by growth in the economy as well as jobs needed to replace workers who retire or leave an occupation for other reasons.

Short-term projections are usually prepared twice each year and cover an eight-quarter time frame. Short-term projections are directly influenced by business cycle fluctuations and changes in demand for the final product or service produced by an industry. Changes in interest rates, consumer confidence, and the relative prices of other products are just some of the factors that can affect industry and occupational employment in the short-term.

Publications produced by this program include:

Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)
The unemployment rate is one of the most frequently requested pieces of workforce information produced by ELMIB. Each month the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) unit estimates the civilian labor force, the number of employed and unemployed, and the unemployment rate based on place of residence in New Hampshire. Additionally, LAUS calculates the unemployment rate for labor market areas, counties, cities and towns. These data are used by businesses, planners, researchers, other government agencies, and the general public. LAUS estimates are also used to identify Labor Surplus Areas and Areas of Substantial Unemployment. Employers located in Labor Surplus Areas may be given preference in bidding on federal contracts to advance economic development into areas of greatest need.

Additional data series produced by the program include:

  • Alternative Measure of Labor Underutilization
    The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides estimates for six measures of labor underutilization based on results of the Current Population Survey. These measures were developed to provide data users with two measures that are more narrowly defined and three measures that are more broadly defined than the official unemployment rate. The most restrictive measure indicates the percentage of the labor force that have been unemployed for fifteen weeks or longer, while the next most restrictive measure indicates the percentage of the labor force that are job losers. More broadly defined measures first add discouraged workers to the estimate; and then add those who would like a job, but are neither currently looking nor discouraged. The most broadly defined measure adds those persons who work part-time, but want and are available for full-time work to the underutilized labor estimate.
  • Mass Layoff Statistics 2012 (MLS) Adobe Acrobat file
    MLS is a state program which uses a standardized approach to identify, describe, and track the effects of major job cutbacks. Information is collected for establishments which have at least 25 initial claims for unemployment insurance (UI) filed against them during a consecutive five-week period to determine the duration, total number of persons separated, the reasons for these separations, and recall expectations. This information is used to analyze economic trends and to aid in the development of programs that may benefit those workers who are displaced from their employment.

Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics (OEWS)
The Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics (OEWS) program is responsible for developing employment and wage estimates by occupation, including the mean, median, entry and experienced level hourly wages for more than 550 occupations in New Hampshire. In cases where hourly wage data is not available, the annual figures are calculated. Estimated employment levels are also available by occupation. These estimates are based on a semi-annual survey of New Hampshire’s employers. Employers report the number of workers by occupation, and hourly earnings or annual salary.

OEWS employment estimates are the basis for occupational projections in New Hampshire. Job seekers, employers, administrative planners, educational specialists, and economic developers also use this employment and wage data. Occupational employment and wage data are available online for New Hampshire statewide, counties, and 16 sub-state areas. A Dictionary of Occupations is also available.

Publications produced by this program include:

  • New Hampshire Occupational Employment and Wages
    This publication presents wage and employment data for occupations, both statewide and for 16 areas within the state. Data tables include estimated employment, entry level wage, mean wage, median wage, and experienced wage. All wage data have been adjusted for inflation.

Pay Equity – Occupational Wages by Gender in New Hampshire
Data tables of occupational wages by gender were prepared to comply with NH RSA 275:41-c Pay Equity Information, which requires that information about compensation differentials be made available to assist the public in understanding any differentials.

This web page provides information on the demographics of New Hampshire's population, such as age, gender, race or ethnicity, and educational attainment derived from U.S. Census Bureau population statistics, including the decennial Census, annual population estimates, and the American Community Survey (ACS).

Administrative Reporting — Unemployment Insurance Claims Data
The Administrative Reporting Unit reports unemployment insurance claims data including important economic indicators, such as the number of initial and continued claims, the number of weeks compensated for unemployment, the average duration of benefit payments, and the average weekly benefit amount paid to claimants.

Initial claims activity is a leading indicator of the economic well-being of an area. A significant change in average weekly initial claims can signal a shift in the direction of business activity.

Publications produced by this program include:


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New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES)
45 South Fruit Street  |  Concord NH 03301  |  603-224-3311  |  1-800-852-3400
TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964